
光山新闻网 采集侠 2021-04-15 11:38:01

  【BCI官网下架“抵制新疆棉花”声明】2020年10月,瑞士良好棉花发展协会(BCI)宣布对所有新疆棉企无限期取消担保认证,让新疆棉产品进入了国际贸易的“黑名单”。而在今年中国民众声讨并抵制BCI及H&M等会员品牌后,BCI偷偷下架了这份引起轩然大波的声明...... The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), a Europe-based organization, announced last year that it was ceasing all operations in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region amid accusations of forced labor. The statement has disappeared from the organization's website as backlash grows in China against the organization and its members' attempts to boycott Xinjiang cotton. (Screenshot viaBCIwebsite)